A prepubescent child. Violent model: Cent period, prodromal stage, excitement period and paralytic period. 青春期前时期的儿童狂暴型:分三期,前驱期、兴奋期和麻痹期。
Through the prodromal stage of1~ 2 day, oral cavity mucous membrane appears extensive hyperaemia oedema, adherent gum and gum predestined relationship also have apparent acute inflammation to damage. 经过1~2天的前驱期,口腔粘膜出现广泛充血水肿,附着龈及龈缘也有明显的急性炎症损害。
Prodromal stage can count day to reach several weeks continuously. 前驱期可持续数日至数周。
The person rabies'symptom may divide into: Prodromal stage, manic time, paralysis time three stages. 人狂犬病的症状可分为:前驱期、狂躁期、麻痹期三个阶段。
Objective To explore the effect of quantitative acupuncture manipulation on aqueous outflow ( F value) in the patient of acute angle closure glaucoma at "clinical prodromal stage". 目的:探讨量化针刺手法对急性闭角型青光眼的临床前期眼房水流量(F值)的影响(以下简称F值)。